Post-PyCon-US 2023 Notes

Some stream of consciousness post-conference notes.

PyCon 2023 was last week, and I wanted to write some notes on it while the memory is fresh. Much of this was jotted down on the plane ride home and edited a few days later.

Health & Safety

Even given my smaller practice run at PyBay, it was a bit weird for me to be back around so many people, given that it was all indoors.

However, it was very nice that everyone took masking seriously. I personally witnessed very few violations of the masking rules, and they all seemed to be momentary, unintentional slip-ups after eating or drinking something.

As a result, I’ve now been home for 4 full days, am COVID negative and did not pick up any more generic con crud. It’s really nice to be feeling healthy after a conference!

Overall Vibe

I was a bit surprised to find the conference much more overwhelming than I remembered it being. It’s been 4 years since my last PyCon; I was out of practice! It was also odd since last year was in person and at the same venue, so most folks had a sense of Salt Lake, and I really didn’t.

I think this was good, since I’ll remember this experience and have a fresher sense of what it feels like (at least a little bit) to be a new attendee next year.

The Schedule

I only managed to attend a few talks, but every one was excellent. In case you were not aware, un-edited livestream VODs of the talks are available with your online ticket, in advance of the release of the final videos on the YouTube channel, so if you missed these but you attended the conference you can still watch them1

My Talk

My talk, “How To Keep A Secret”, seemed to be very well received.2

I got to talk to a lot of people who said they learned things from it. I had the idea to respond to audience feedback by asking “will you be doing anything differently as a result of seeing the talk?” and so I got to hear about which specific information was actually useful to help improve the audience’s security posture. I highly recommend this follow-up question to other speakers in the future.

As part of the talk, I released and announced 2 projects related to its topic of better security posture around secrets-management:

  • PINPal, a little spaced-repetition tool to help you safely rotate your “core” passwords, the ones you actually need to memorize.

  • TokenRing, a backend for the keyring module which uses a hardware token to require user presence for any secret access, by encrypting your vault and passwords as Fernet tokens.

I also called for donations to a local LGBT+ charity in Salt Lake City and made a small matching donation, to try to help the conference have a bit of a positive impact on the area’s trans population, given the extremely bigoted law passed by the state legislature in the run-up to the conference.

We raised $330 in total3, and I think other speakers were making similar calls. Nobody wanted any credit; everyone who got in touch and donated just wanted to help out.

Open Spaces

I went to a couple of open spaces that were really engaging and thought-provoking.

  • Hynek hosted one based on his talk (which is based on this blog post) where we explored some really interesting case-studies in replacing subclassing with composition.

  • There was a “web framework maintainers” open-space hosted by David Lord, which turned into a bit of a group therapy session amongst framework maintainers from Flask, Django, Klein (i.e. Twisted), and Sanic. I had a few key takeaways from this one:

    • We should try to keep our users in the loop with what is going on in the project. Every project should have a project blog so that users have a single point of contact.

      • It turns out Twisted does actually have one of these. But we should actually post updates to that blog so that users can see new developments. We have forgotten to even post.

      • We should repeatedly drive users to those posts, from every communications channel; social media (mastodon, twitter), chat (discord, IRC, matrix, gitter), or mailing lists. We should not be afraid to repeat ourselves a bit. We’re often afraid to spam our users but there’s a lot of room between where we are now — i.e. “users never hear from us” — and spamming them.

    • We should regularly remind ourselves, and each other, that any work doing things like ticket triage, code review, writing for the project blog, and writing the project website are valuable work. We all kinda know this already, but psychologically it just feels like ancillary “stuff” that isn’t as real as the coding itself.

    • We should find ways to recognize contributions, especially the aforementioned less-visible stuff, like people who hang out in chat and patiently direct users to the appropriate documentation or support channels.

The Sprints

The sprints were not what I expected. I sat down thinking I’d be slogging through some Twisted org GitHub Actions breakage on Klein and Treq, but what I actually did was:

  • Request an org on the recently-released PyPI “Organizations” feature, got it approved, and started adding a few core contributors.

  • Have some lovely conversations with PyCon and PSF staff about several potential projects that I think could really help the ecosystem. I don’t want to imply anyone has committed to anything here, so I’ll leave a description of exactly what those were for later.

  • Filed a series of issues against BeeWare™ Briefcase™ detailing exactly what I needed from Encrust that wasn’t already provided by Briefcase’s existing Mac support.

  • I also did much more than I expected on Pomodouroboros, including:

  • I talked to my first in-the-wild Pomodouroboros user, someone who started using the app early enough to get bitten by a Pickle data-migration bug and couldn’t upgrade! I’d forgotten that I’d released a version that modeled time as a float rather than a datetime.

  • Started working on a design with Moshe Zadka for integrations for external time-tracking services and task-management services.

  • I had the opportunity to review datetype with Paul Ganssle and explore options for integrating it with or recommending it from the standard library, to hopefully start to address the both the datetime-shouldn’t-subclass-date problem and the how-do-you-know-if-a-datetime-is-timezone-aware problem.

  • Speaking of Twisted infrastructure maintenance, special thanks to Paul Kehrer, who noticed that pyasn1 was breaking Twisted’s CI, and submitted a PR to fix it. I finally managed to do a review a few days after the conference and that’s landed now.

Everything Else

I’m sure I’m forgetting at least a half a dozen other meaningful interactions that I had; the week was packed, and I talked to lots of interesting people as always.

See you next year in Pittsburgh!.

  1. Go to your dashboard and click the “Join PyCon US 2023 Online Now!” button at the top of the page, then look for the talk on the “agenda” tab or the speaker in the search box on the right. 

  2. Talks like these and software like PINPal and TokenRing are the sorts of things things that I hope to get support for from my Patreon, so please go there if you’d like to support my continuing to do this sort of work. 

  3. If you’d like to make that number bigger, I’ll do another $100 match on this blog post, and update that paragraph if I receive anything; just send the receipt to A reader sent in another matching donation and I made a contribution, so the total raised is now $530.