Disclosure Statements

Affiliate Programs

As a member of the Amazon Affiliate program, “The Operating Agreement requires that the following statement clearly and conspicuously appears on [my] Site”:

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

What this means is that when I link to products on Amazon.com, both here and on social media, I use a link that embeds a referral code, and I will receive a commission on any products you buy through this site.

Some Context For that Disclosure

I participate in the Amazon Associates program for two reasons:

  1. The amazon affiliate program “site stripe” tool gives me nice, short, HTTPS links that are easier to share and easier to work with in Markdown than the giant blobs that Amazon usually puts in the URL bar, so I don’t need to use my own link shortener.
  2. If I recommend an expensive product here and you do decide to buy it, somebody is going to get paid for the advertising associated with that, and it might as well be me.

That said, while I object to working as a free advertiser for any products I might recommend, I am also not a professional product reviewer and this income does not influence my opinions.

Of course anyone can say that their decisions are not influenced by money, but Amazon affiliate links do not constitute a material portion of my income. For example, reviewing my previous year1 with this program, I have a message from Amazon for every month - except March - from January to November, telling me that either:

(A) I had no affiliate earnings for that month, or
(B) my affiliate earnings for the month, including credits for any previous months, were below the threshold for my payment method (which is 100 USD). So I may, at most, receive as much as $100/year from this program.

Finally1, out of 4432 posts or drafts on this site (not including this one) only 8 include Amazon affiliate links, which is to say “this applies to just shy of 2% of my posts”. But, as you hopefully already know.

Missed Something?

Do you think I forgot to include a relevant disclosure? Please contact disclosures-050640 @glyph.im and let me know.

  1. as of this writing in December 2019 

  2. nice.